Durability and environmental stability of microcapsule-filled polymer composites with smart-interaction capability
1. Aniskevich, A., Kulakov, V., Bulderberga, O., Knotek, P., Tedim, J., Maia, F., Leisis, V., Zeleniakiene D. ‘Experimental characterisation and modelling of mechanical behaviour of microcapsules’, Journal of Materials Science, 2020, Vol. 55, pp. 13457–13471.
2. Vidinejevs, S., Bulderberga, O., Aniskevich, A., ‘Development of removable visual impact indicator for polymer composite materials’, Materials Science (Medžiagotyra), 2021, Vol. 27 No. 3,
3. Tarasovs, S., Bulderberga, O., Zeleniakiene, D., Aniskevich, A. ‘Sensitivity of the transient plane source method to small variations’, International Journal of Thermophysics, accepted, IJOT-D-21-00515.
4. Bulderberga, O., Aniskevich, A. ‘The effect of UV light on the service-life of thermochromic microcapsules integrated into the epoxy matrix’, Materials Science (Medžiagotyra), Vol. 28, No. 3, 2022.
5. Bulderberga, O., Aniskevich, A. ‘The UV Stability of Thermochromic Microcapsules for Smart Polymer Composite Structures’ International Young Researchers Conference “Industrial Engineering 2021”, May 13, 2021, Kaunas, Lithuania, Notification Material, pp. 199-205, ISSN 2538-6727 (online).