Durability and environmental stability of microcapsule-filled polymer composites with smart-interaction capability
Other activities
February 26, 2021
Doctoral thesis “Development and determination of properties of damage visual indication system for polymer composite structures” has been defended by Olga Bulderberga.
Supervisor and consultant Dr. Andrey Aniskevich.
The press release "Smart polymer composites: micro-fillers with macro functions" was published here.
October 27, 2020
Bachelor thesis “UV stability of thermochromic microcapsules for smart polymer structures” has been defended by Edvins Druska. Supervisor and consultant Olga Bulderberga.
June 4, 2020
May 26, 2020
The project DUROCAPS results, ongoing work, and plans were presented by project participant Olga Bulderberga for the local project coordinator representatives and other scientists involved in similar grant projects.
Full presentation is available on YouTube (our presentation is starting from 34 minute).
The lecture about the University of Latvia and Institute for Mechanics of Materials, ongoing research and scientific work (including DUROCAPS project activities), and opportunities of study in STEM programs at the University of Latvia were presented for 12 invited students in grades 11 and 12 from the Riga Pushkin Lyceum. After the lecture, an excursion to the labs was organized. The lecture and excursion were carried out by MSc. Olga Bulderberga.
December 18, 2019